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Monday, May 30, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Philosopher Daniel Dennet is a Loser

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Philosopher Daniel Dennet is a Loser: "Loser Philosopher Daniel Dennet Daniel Dennet is a loser as a philosopher. Dennet is a knee jerk athiest at a time when there are objecti..."

Philosopher Daniel Dennet is a Loser

Loser Philosopher Daniel Dennet

Daniel Dennet is a loser as a philosopher. Dennet is a knee jerk athiest at a time when there are objectively valid proofs for God's Existence in circulation. You can prove God's Existence with logic alone by simply making the reasonble assumptions, by definition, that, by definition, God is Good, if God Exists, and that The Good is Postitive. You can also prove God's Existence using Logical Positivism, starting with the sense experience of observing billiard balls hitting each other on a billard table. Also, the best theory of Evolution states that meaning is involved in the process, not just randomness. This is confirmed by the work of Henri Bergson and Rupert Sheldrake. Also, you can prove the universal validity of logic starting with a simple self experiment where you hold an Apple in your left hand, and then not. Finally, Quantum Physics proves that there is metaphysical reality beyond the mundane material universe, and that that this reality involves meaning.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber and

Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: A Logical Proof for God's Existence

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: A Logical Proof for God's Existence: "Hey, here is a cool Logic Proof for God's Actual Existence that I have developed: 1. Assume that by definition that God is Good, if God Exis..."

A Logical Proof for God's Existence

Hey, here is a cool Logic Proof for God's Actual Existence that I have developed:
1. Assume that by definition that God is Good, if God Exists.
2. Assume that by definition that Existence is an Important aspect of The Good.
3. Assume that by definition that by definition that The Good is Positive.
4. Assume that by definition the adjective Good is contained within the Noun The Good.
5. Now, since God is Good, and since by definition an Important aspect of The Good is Existence,
God Exists.
(C)Perpetual Copyright and Patent (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)
(This Logic Proof for God's Existence is analogous to that developed by Saint Anselm 1078 CE)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Proving God's Existence from Sense Experience

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Proving God's Existence from Sense Experience: "After the Communist Wall went down in the early 1990's many former communists were athiest materialists and had a difficult time figuring ou..."

Proving God's Existence from Sense Experience

After the Communist Wall went down in the early 1990's many former communists were athiest materialists and had a difficult time figuring out Christianity. Thankfully, however, it is possible for a materialist to have God's Existence proven to him or her, starting with sense experience. Following the work of Aristotle and Aquainas you can conisider the fact that motion operates in the material world based upon sense experience. For example, if you observe a game of billiards on a billiard table you can see that the billiard balls move when pushed or hit by another ball or the cue stick. From this you can logically conclude that motion exists and operates. You can also deduce that for every movement there must be a movement that causes the movement, that is, there must be some motion that causes the motion. If you then work this back in time to can see that either there is an infinite regress of movements or motions, or, there is an Unmoved Mover, namely, God, who is the Source of all Movement. The other option, which is an infinite regress of movement is impossible because the infinite cannot be contained within the finite, and thus an infinite regress cannot be contained with a finite universe. Given the foregoing, we can follow the traditional definition of God, that God is Good. The Good is defined as including all of that which is positive for God and human beings: Existence, pleasure, joy, very good food, clothing, home, positive values, transportation, liberty, recreation, entertainment, vacation, fulfilling hobbies or work, etc.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Logical Fallacy of Catch 22

Previously, I have written the short story, entitled, "Catch 22 in Prague." In this short story, a young woman is told by Clerk Tom, at the passport window, that to get a passport, she must first have an international driver's license. Then, at the international driver's license window, Clerk Bill tells her that she must have a passport to get an international driver's license. Thus, we can see that the young woman is caught in a Catch 22 situation. We can see this more clearly in the following logical analysis of the situation:

1. Assume the Causal Logical Syllogism, If A, then B, A, therefore B.
2. If pp then, dl
3. If dl, then pp
4. not pp therefore, not dl
5. not dl therefore, not pp
6. deduce not pp and not dl
Thus, we can see that is impossible to get either the drivers license nor the passport, even though the beuracratic system states that you can in fact get a driver's license and a passport

7. pp and dl if application process completed
8. pp and dl if process completed and not pp and not dl when process used
9. not pp and not dl, and, pp and dl
10. 9 involves a logical contradiction, you cannot have pp and not pp, in the same
time and the same place, and you cannot have dl and not dl, in the same time and the
same place
11. Thus, we can conclude that the application process, above, is a fraudulent, fallacious one, and thus violates substantive and procedural due process, as well as Sheriff's Law.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Aremaic (Aramaic) Language of the Christian Bi...

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Aremaic (Aramaic) Language of the Christian Bi...: "American Seer and Prophet, Edgar Cayce, circa 1935 In the Bible, at some point the Tower Babel incident took place, at which time the pre..."

The Aremaic (Aramaic) Language of the Christian Bible

American Seer and Prophet, Edgar Cayce, circa 1935

In the Bible, at some point the Tower Babel incident took place, at which time the previous languages used were scrambled or changed in some way. I argue that Ancient Aramaic in the Christain Bible was really 20th Century American English. My position is that there is a 100,000 year Eternity Cycle of Time, such that there is an Infinity Loop where the End of Time meets the Beginning of Time, at the Middle of Time. I assert that the Middle of Time was the year 2000 CE (2000AD), and, instead of the End of World, we are experiencing Earth Changes, as predicted by Edgar Cayce in the 1930's. Cayce said that around the year 2000 AD there would be Earth Changes accomplished by a shift in the Earth's North Pole and a related shift in the Earth's Electromagnetic Field, which would affect electronics, the human brain waves, nervous system, and medicine. Cayce also said that this electromagnetic shift would first enable widespread human telepathy (mind to mind communication) and then bring about the return of the efficacy of magic. Getting back Aramaic, you can see that the word "Aramaic" is coded. The word is really spelled Aremaic, and if you rearrange the letters, the word "America" appears. Finally, NASA confirms that there has been a Polar Shift of at least 400 feet in the last 5 years.(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011 CE) by Anthony Fejfar and
Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Real Story of Good Friday An Allegorical Acco...

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Real Story of Good Friday An Allegorical Acco...: "This is the real story of Good Friday according to Saint Jude the Apostle, also known as, Thomas Judeas the Apostle. It was Thursday night..."

The Real Story of Good Friday An Allegorical Account

This is the real story of Good Friday according to Saint Jude the Apostle, also known as, Thomas Judeas the Apostle. It was Thursday night, just after Jesus of Nazareth and the Apostle's had celebrated Passover and the Eucharist. Jesus and the Apostles, with the exception of Judas Iscariot, went to the Mount of Olives to pray. After awhile Jesus came down the hill where he was praying and woke up the Apostles who had dozed off. Jesus and his friends, the Apostles, started walking down the rest of the hill when Judas Iscariot, The Traitor, approached Jesus with about 150 Temple Guards and 100 Roman Guards. Judas Iscariot kissed Jesus on the cheek, and then the Temple Guards and Roman Guards tried to illegally sieze Jesus, but instead, Simon Peter drew sword, as did the other Apostles. Simon Peter cut off the ear of the first Guard with a sword thrust. Then, Thomas Judeas the Apostles ran through the Officers with his rapier, in turn. Then, Jesus, raised his Staff, and suddenly, lightning came from the clear sky, and blasted the rest of the Guards into oblivion, killing all of them. Then, Jesus and the Apostles went to the Roman Barracks of the Praetorian Guards, Thomas Judeas showed the Officer of the Guard his Signet Ring, which was that of his Father, Caesar Augustus, (the Tao Sign) and then Jesus showed his Father's (Caesar Josephus, Seneschal of Rome) Signet Ring (the Holy Cross Sign), and then the Commander of the Praetorian Guards came to speak with them. The Apostle, Thomas Judeas, said, "In the name of Caesar, I need 1,500 of your best Praetorians to arrest the traitors, Caiphas the High Priest, King Herod, Judas Iscariot, and Pontius Pilate, for violating the Law of Rome, namely, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, by committing gross and malicious acts of Sophistry. The Commander of the Praetorians summoned 1,500 of his best men, and then with Jesus and the Apostle's in the lead, they fought through and killed most of the Jewish and Roman Guards, and then arrested Caiphas the High Priest, King Herod, Judas Iscariot, and Pontius Pilate, and then took them to Golgotha, and crucified them in turn. By morning the four traitors, Caiphas, King Herod, Judas Iscariot, and Pontius Pilate were all dead. When the crowd began to show up around 9:00 a.m., the next morning, they were only allowed to come no closer than one half mile, and, after they saw the four men crucified on the crucifixes, they were told that Jesus and the Apostles and the Praetorians had crucified the traitors, Caiphas the High Priest, King Herod, Judas Iscariot, and Pontius Pilate, in the Name of Caesar and Roman Law, that is Sheriff's Law for committing the crime of Sophistry. Then, Jesus, the Apostles and the Praetorians all went up to Antioch, in Galillee to rest and the celebrate. However, two days later, Mary Magnalene brought a message to them that the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin had spread the rumor that Jesus, and Joseph, and Mary, and Thomas Judeas, had all been crucified for asserting that they were not bound by the Law of Abraham. Mary left, accompanied by Thomas Judeas, the Apostle. They discovered that the disciples had been duped by the false story of the Pharisees. The next day, Thomas and the disciples, were sitting in a tavern in Emmaus, when Mary ran in. Mary said, "The tomb is empty, Jesus has Risen from the Dead." Thomas Judeas said, "I do not believe it. I will not believe it until until I have placed my fingers in the nail marks in the hands and feet of Jesus." Thomas and the disciples went back to drinking their beer. An hour later, a man resembling Jesus walked in the front door of the tavern. At this point, Thomas was down the road wooing his girl friend. Jesus said, "Do you not recognize me? It is I, Jesus of Nazareth who has Risen from the Dead." The disciples all hugged Jesus and Jesus ate a beef sandwich and drank a beer and then left. Jesus said, "I will be back in one hour, fetch my brother Thomas Judeas so that I may show him that I have Risen from the Dead. The Disciples hauled Thomas out bed where he was making love to his girlfriend, and took him to the tavern. Ten minutes later, Jesus once again walked into the Tavern. "Well, Thomas, do you now see that I have Risen from the Dead? So that you may not have future doubts, please feel the nail marks in my hands and feet (as Jesus gave Thomas a subtle wink). "Yes, Lord, my brother, I can indeed feel the nail marks and I indeed can taste the blood of the wounds." said Tomas Judeas. Jesus then said, "Thomas has choses the path of experience and logic, and that is indeed good, however, also blessed are those who find God without having to refer to sense experience. "And Thomas, for my part I declare that you are Seneschal of Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe in my stead, and furthermore I declare that you will walk the Earth until my return, and finally, I declare that you are a Winner who never loses." Then Jesus said, "By the way, cousin, Thomas, here is the lock blade knife that I bought the other day. I seem to have cut myself a little bit with the knife, so I apologize if there is some of my blood on it." said Jesus. And then, Jesus raised his cloak over his head and body and disappeared.

(C)Perpetual Copyright by Anthony J. Fejfar, Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Logical Foundationalism

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Logical Foundationalism: "Logical Foundationalism is a halfway house between place logic and scholastic logic (Walter Ong). Logical Foundationalism utilizes ideal r..."

Logical Foundationalism

Logical Foundationalism is a halfway house between place logic and scholastic logic (Walter Ong). Logical Foundationalism utilizes ideal rules as well as rules derived from concrete logic. So, Logic starts by asserting the ideal rule that you cannot have (A) and (not A) in the same logical proof, because this results in a logical contradiction or fallacy or fraud. You see, starting with Concrete Logic, you cannot have a toy wooden letter (A) in your left hand, and no toy wooden letter (A) in your left hand, at the same time, in the same place. So, from the point of view of empiricism or sense experience, on the one hand, or from the point of view a the imagination or ideal or ideas, on the other hand, it is illogical, or fallacious, or fraud, or illegal to asset (A and not A) in the same logical proof. Thus, Logical Foundationalism starts with the following proved assumptions: It is logically valid to assert (A or not A), but, it fallacious or illegal, or illogical to assert (A and not A). Thus, the proved definition of Logic, is that Logic is defined as that which is not Illogical. And, that which is Illogical is defined as that proof, statement, assertion, argument, or action which involves a logical contradiction, such as asserting (A and not A) in the same time and in the same place. Thus, we can see that Richard Rorty's anti-foundationalist stance, and that of others, is in fact, ridiculous. Logical Foundationism gives us much more than simply the Coherence Theory of Quine and Michael Perry. Moreover, since Logical Foundationalism is cross-cultural, the culturally relativist, "Ethic of Community Culture" of Tom Shaffer is rendered absurd. As Tom would see, eventually, I am sure, since logic is trans-cultural, every culture can be critiqued for engaging in fallacious, sophistic, illogical, argument, statements, assertions, and actions. In this way, both Michael Perry and Tom Shaffer are rescued from living in nazi germany where they could easily end up in a death camp. And, of course, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, is Univerally Binding International Law and Natural Law. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Fejfar, Anthony Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Reformed Judaism

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Reformed Judaism: "Reformed Judaism is really Hellenistic Judaism, holding of the House of Seth, which is the House of Greece, where Seth, is Seth, Son of Adam..."

Reformed Judaism

Reformed Judaism is really Hellenistic Judaism, holding of the House of Seth, which is the House of Greece, where Seth, is Seth, Son of Adam, Son of God. Reformed Jews have as their scripture the Book of Genesis, The Book of Wisdom, and the Gospel according to Saint Jude the Apostle, with Postscript. Since Hellenistic Reformed Jews hold of the House of Seth, which precedes the later Jewish Houses such as Judah, Abraham, Israel, and Moses, such Hellenstic Reformed Jews are not bound by Jewish law. Instead, Hellenistic Reformed Jews are bound the Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, which prohibits sophistry, that is using logical fallacies which involve a logical contradiction of some sort. And, Hellensitic Reformed Jews also follow Greek Cosmology, Greek Allegorical Mythology, Greek Metaphysics, Greek Philosophy, and Greek Druid Lore. Hellenistic Reformed Jews are not required to follow Kosher law, nor sabbath law, nor circumcision law, nor tithing. Thus, Reformed Hellenistic Jews are not required to visit the Temple nor attend Synagogue. They also are not required to go through bar mitzpha. Reformed Jews could also be considered Protestant, from a certain point of view. Many calls Hellenistic Reformed Jews by the name of Sarphidic Jews. Reformed Jews are also entitled to follows Aristotle's Equity, and thus make equitable interpretations of laws, and the make equitable exceptions based upon genuine need. Hellenistic Reformed Jews were the Sadducee Jews in Israel. Male Hellensitic Reformed Jews can also be Levite Priests in the Order of Malchiesidech. For Hellenstic Reformed Jews Yahweh is God the Creator, the Demiurge, also known as Saint Anthony the Archangel, an Elowhim Archangel, also known as the Divine Artisan, the Divine Craftsman, and the God Pan. Hellensitic Reformed Jews also believe in the Tao or Godhead of Being, Logos, and Substance. Jesus Christ is considered to be an Aieon, that is an Existant Person who is in the Eternal Now, and without Beginning and Without End. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar, Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Rule of Saint Jude the Apostle

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Rule of Saint Jude the Apostle: "The Rule of Saint Jude, as later confirmed and adopted by Saint Benedict as the Rule for Religious Life, the Priesthood, and Lay Life, als..."

The Rule of Saint Jude the Apostle

The Rule of Saint Jude the Apostle, as later confirmed and adopted by Saint Benedict as the Rule for Religious Life, the Priesthood, and Lay Life, also known as the Rule of Saint Benedict, is as follows: Subject to the Rule of Reason, which is based on love, logic, and intuition, as a matter of Natural Law and Divine Law and Human Law, with respect to the Common Good: To each according to his, her, and/or hae genuine need, and from each according to his, her, and/or hae ability. (C)Perpetual Copyright by Anthony Fitzgerald, and Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA) (A Perpetual Moderation Corporation).

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Christianity and a Possble End of the World

Although the Biblical Book of Revelation seems to predict the End of the World, as I have said before, it is my opinion that the End of the World, as represented by the Destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE, has come and gone. The appropriate position to take regarding any supposed end of the world, is encapsulated in the following Catholic Prayer:




Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Protestant Jesuit Vow Formula

The Vow Formula for a Protestant Jesuit in the Society of Jesus, is as follows:

"I, Anthony J. Fejfar, vow perpetual, poverty, chastity, and obedience,
as a Reader, in the Society of Jesus, Amen."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Aristotle and Positivism

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Aristotle and Positivism: "Aristotle's Positivism Positivism is a philosophy which is attributed to th..."

Aristotle and Positivism

Aristotle's Positivism
Positivism is a philosophy which is attributed to the ancient philosopher, Aristotle, which states that any logical reasoning must take into account or include sense experience and the positive values of Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Intuition, Love, Logic, Values, meaningful happiness, pleasure, individual freewill or autonomy, metaphysics, philosophy, very good food, clothing, home, education, self-actualization, recreation, entertainment, vacations, transportation, health care, and dental care. The alleged positivism of Auguste Comte is a fraud.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Who is a Sarphaedic Jew?

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Who is a Sarphaedic Jew?: "A Sarphaedic Jew is a Caananite Greek, or Acacaen, who holds of the House of Seth, also known as the House of Greece. Seth son of Adam son ..."

Who is a Sarphaedic Jew?

A Sarphaedic Jew is a Caananite Greek, or Acacaen, who holds of the House of Seth, also known as the House of Greece. Seth son of Adam son of God. Seth is the only surviving son of Adam and Eve. It is said that Seth was born in the Garden of Eden after Eve had taken the Fall into Original Sin after being tempted by the Serpent, or Satan. but, before Adam had taken the Fall. Thus, Seth was conceived and born in the Garden of Eden by his Father Adam who did not have Original Sin, and by his mother Eve, who did have Original Sin. Thus, Seth was born with modified original sin such that Seth could only commit a venial or minor sin and not a mortal sin, and not a cardinal sin. Thus, Seth, and those following of him in the House of Seth, have Wisdom, Intuition, and Reason, which are good and not evil. Thus, Sethians are know as Sarphaedic Jews, Greek Jews, Pagan Jews, Canaanite Greeks, Sauducee Greeks, Suaducee Jews, Druid Greeks, and Waziri. Sarphaedic Jews, also known as Sauducee Greeks or Sauducee Jews, are not bound by Jewish Law, and thus are not bound by the Law of Moses and are not bound by the Law of Abraham. Instead, Sarphaedic Jews, also known as Sauducee Jews or Sauducee Greeks, are bound by Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, also known as Greek Law or natural law, and thus are bound by the rule that they are not to engage in sophistry, that is, actions or statements or arguments which involve a logical fallacy, where, a logical fallacy occurs where a logical contradiction is involved, such as, A and not A, existing in the same time and in the same place.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) By Aristotle and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: An Actual Proof for God's Existence

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: An Actual Proof for God's Existence: "This is an airtight, actual, proof for God's Existence: 1. By Definition God is Good. 2. An important aspect of the Good is Existence. 3..."

An Actual Proof for God's Existence

This is an airtight, actual, proof for God's Existence:

1. By Definition God is Good.
2. An important aspect of the Good is Existence.
3. Since God is Good, God Exists.
4. By Definition, evil is a lessening of the Good or the opposite of the Good.
5. Since God is Good, it is impossible for God to be evil.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Alternate Proof for God's Existence:

1. By Definition God is Being.
2. By Definition Being is Actual.
3. By Definition the Actual is relatively real and or probably real.
4. By Definition Being is Good.
5. By Definition an important aspect of The Good is Existence.
6. By Definition the Good is Good and Good is the Good.
7. Since God is Being and since Being is Good, God is Good.
8. Since God is Good and since an important aspect of the Good is Existence, God Exists.
9. Therefore, God Exists.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Papal Encyclical by Pope John Paul II re the H...

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Papal Encyclical by Pope John Paul II re the H...

The Papal Encyclical by Pope John Paul II re the Holy Spirit and the Creed

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Trinity of God and the Catholic Creed

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Trinity of God and the Catholic Creed: "In the Catholic Mass, it is asserted that the Nicean Creed is being used. This is not true. In fact, there is no Nicean Creed. The Counc..."

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Trinity of God and the Catholic Creed

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Trinity of God and the Catholic Creed: "In the Catholic Mass, it is asserted that the Nicean Creed is being used. This is not true. In fact, there is no Nicean Creed. The Counc..
Publish Post

The Trinity of God and the Catholic Creed

In the Catholic Mass, it is asserted that the Nicean Creed is being used. This is not true. In fact, there is no Nicean Creed. The Council of Nicea affirmed the Athanasian Creed. And, in the Catholic Mass, the "Creed" used states that: "The Father and the Son are one in the Same Being." This is not the correct formulation. The real Creed states: "God the Father and God the Son are One in the Same Substance, that is, The Substance of the Holy Spirit." You see, orthodox Christianity has always taught that the Holy Spirit is the Unitive Aspect of the Trinity of God. The Holy Spirit is Substance. Thus, the Being of God the Father and the Logos of God, Jesus the Son, has the Holy Spirit of Substance in Common. Being is attributed to God the Father. It is clear that God the Father is not the Unitive Aspect of the Trinity of God, rather, the Holy Spirit of Substance is the Unitive Aspect. Thus, you can see that the Catholic Lectionary and the Creed used therein is Heresy and has put the Roman Catholic Church is Heresy and thus Apostacy. The foregoing is confirmed by an Encylical issued by Pope John Paul II on October 31, 1990 entitled, "The Holy Spirit in the Creed," which affirms that the Holy Spirit of Substance is the Unitive Aspect of the Trinity of God, which appears to be Infallibly asserted.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Bernard Lonergan and the Virtually Unconditioned J...

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Bernard Lonergan and the Virtually Unconditioned J...: "A Photo of Jesuit Philosopher Bernard Lonergan Philosopher, Bernard Lonergan defines a Fact Ju..."

Bernard Lonergan and the Virtually Unconditioned Judgment of Fact

A Photo of Jesuit Philosopher Bernard Lonergan

Philosopher, Bernard Lonergan defines a Fact Judgment as a Virtually Unconditioned Judgment of Fact, which is really a Provisional Judgment of Fact. You see, given Quantum Physics and Aunitary Reality, it is impossible to have absolute, objective, certainty about anything. In fact, Logic is really probable Logic which operates at 99.9999999% real probablity in the real world. However, human beings typically use the naive realist idea that reality is 100% real, when it really isn't. Lonergan saw this and thus taught that there is not absolute judgment of fact, but instead there is, at best, a provisional, "Virtually" unconditioned judgment of fact. As we know, the term, "virtual" really means "as if," in the same way we speak of the Virtual Reality of a Computer World. In fact, the only real judments of fact are probable judgments of fact. Any virtual judgment of fact is an "as if" absolute judgment of fact which is provisional, that is, subject to later revision on the basis of new and better facts of experience, new understanding, and a new provisional judgment of fact which is virtually real, or, a de facto absolute real for now, which itself is provision, and, subject to the possibility of later critique and revision. Put another way, any judgment of fact, stated as such, is a de facto absolute, subject to revision based upon experience and logical reasoning therefrom, or on the basis of experience, understanding, judgment and reflection.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Some Invalid Reified Concepts

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Some Invalid Reified Concepts: "A reified concept is one whose primary referent is indeterminate, vague, overbroard, or even non-exstent. Thus, the word 'theosphany' is a r..."

Some Invalid Reified Concepts

A reified concept is one whose primary referent is indeterminate, vague, overbroard, or even non-exstent. Thus, the word "theosphany" is a reified concept and is thus invalid. "Theosphany" literally means liturgical music. However, neonazi's often use the word theosphany to mean a word or idea that neonazi's don't like. Since there is no logically defined referent for the word "theosphany," the word "theosphany" is declared invalid as a reified concept and should not be used, and should be banned from use The word "mentally ill" is also an invalid reified concept. There is no coherent definition of the word "mentally ill." Instead, typically the incoherent definition that "mentally ill" mean "crazy" is used. Both the word "mentally ill" and the word "crazy" are invalid, inauthentic, reified, neonazi bigoted labels which no coherent meaning. Thus, the words "mentally ill" and "crazy" are both inauthentically reified concepts which are invalid and thus should not be used, and should be banned from use.

(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Cultural Relativism is Incoherent

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Cultural Relativism is Incoherent: "Cultural Relativism is an incoherent ethic and epistemology. You see, there are cross cultural logic rules that apply in every culture. T..."

Cultural Relativism is Incoherent

Cultural Relativism is an incoherent ethic and epistemology. You see, there are cross cultural logic rules that apply in every culture. These rules are the basis for the natural law of Sheriff's Law, also known as the Law of Logic. You can prove, cross culturally, the validity of logic starting either with ideas, or with sense experience. Either you can say, in the abstract, that it is impossible for A and not A to exist in the same time and the same place in some ideal or hypothetical world, or, in the alternative, you can say that, in the concrete, it is impossible to have a physical (A)pple and no physical (A)pple in your left hand, at the same time in the same place in the material universe. Thus, both in the abstract, and in the concrete, we can see that it is factually and logically impossible for A and not A to exist, or be asserted, in the same time and the same place. Moreover, that which is logical is defined as that which does not involve a logical contradiction. In other words, as long as you do not assert that some statement or argument (A) pertains, and the same time in the same place that you are asserting that (not A) pertains, then you are making a logical statement or argument. Logical statements or arguments are permitted and are considered valid, while illogical or logically contradictory arguments are not permitted and are not considered valid. Given the foregoing, there a number logical fallacies which cannot be permitted, and which are invalid. These logical fallacies include: 1. The fallacy of appealing to an authority; 2. The fallacy of hypocrisy;
3. The fallacy of shifting ground; 4. The fallacy of appealing to conventional morality;
5. The fallacy of appealing to the mob; 6. The fallacy of asserting the validity of the precedent by affirming the consequent; 7. The fallacy of deriving a conjunction from a disjunction;
8. The fallacy of lying; and the fallacy; and the fallacy of making a personal or ad hominem attack. Accordingly, we can say that while the idea of cultural relativism is incoherent, the idea of moderate relativism is not. Moderate relativism allows for a reasonable range of statements or argumentation which do not involve logical fallacies or sophistry. Finally, another reason that logic, logical reasoning, and logical principles are cross culturally valid, is that you can teach the typical 5 year old in any culture, the use and principles of logic in about one hour. Thus, it is possible for any person to engage in deconstruction activities using logic.

(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Coif, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lonergan and Logical Positivism

Bernard Lonergan describes the Epistemology of the Cogntional Structure, which is that, reality is best known through the interrellated cognitive activities of: Experience, Understanding, Judgment and Reflection. On the other hand, Logical Positivism is an Epistemology which assertst that reality is best known through the cognitive activities of: logical reasoning from experience. In an attempt to reconcile these two positions, the Epistemology of Logical Positivism can be stated as: experience and logical reasoning in relation thereto
This logical positivist formulation is close to Lonergan because in addition to experience, logical reasoning requires a type of understanding which uses logical consistency as a requirement.

(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Real Ockham's Razor

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: The Real Ockham's Razor: "The definition of Ockham's Razor that is typically used is logically incoherent. Instead, Ockham's Razor is really a guideline which sugges..."

The Real Ockham's Razor

The definition of Ockham's Razor that is typically used is logically incoherent. Instead, Ockham's Razor is really a guideline which suggests, as a general rule, when dealing with academia or politics or law, you should not attribute secondary causes to God. Generally speaking, God is seen as been the First Cause, Uncaused Cause and the Unmoved Mover. However, it is also generally understood that God works primarily through secondary causes which involve Angels, Archangels, gods and goddesses, metaphysics, natural laws, Natural Law, etc. It is perfectly appropriate to discuss and write about God in areas such as philosophy, theology, cosmology, quantum physics, ethics, morality, metaphysics, and cosmology. On the other hand, as a general rule, when you do not attribute ordinary causes to God, but rather, only Miracles. So, if I am trying to determine why it is that my car does not start, ordinarily I look to physical causes such as those inovolving the Battery, the Starter, or the Alternator, and not God. Once the Universe is set up, which it is, God only Acts Personally, and directly, through Miracles. The everyday reality which we face is ordinarily structured through the use of natural laws and Natural Law, not through any Direct Acts of God. Thus, it is a violation of Ockham's Razor to speak or write about God causing ordinary, everyday events. Ordinarily, when a person Prays, those prayers are anwered by an Angel, and Archangel, a Saint, or a god, not directly by God Himself. Additionally, when ordinary problems arise, such as unemployment, a power outage, a death of a person, car trouble, the theft of a bicycle, etc., such events are not attributed to God, at all, but rather the other causes, which are typically ordinary causes. Of course, it is perfectly appropriate to refer to God in poetry, music, literature, etc.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: A Valid Religion for First Amendment Purposes

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: A Valid Religion for First Amendment Purposes: "A valid Religion for purposes of Religious Freeedom protection of the United States Constitution, involves a belief system and an organizati..."

A Valid Religion for First Amendment Purposes

A valid Religion for purposes of Religious Freeedom protection of the United States Constitution, involves a belief system and an organization which promotes Higher Values and Basic Values, and opposes Base Values.

Higher Values include: Intellectual Love, Compassion, and Unconditional Parental Love.

Basic Values include: justice, moderation, fortitude, will, will power, creativity, imagination, intuition, analytic skills, planning skills, courage, charity, reason, logic, proportional thinking, reciprocal thinking, equity, utility, responsibility, self reliance, reflective thinking, meditiation, craftsmanship, friendship, self defense, etc.

Base Values include: rape, murder, child abuse, theft, jealously, negativity, sexual abuse, objectifying lust, ressentiment, cannibalism, bullyism, envy, sloth, gluttony, excessive matriarchy, excessive patriarchy, polygamy, adultry, incest, sex with an animal, animal sacrifices, an illegal abortion.

A belief system and or organization which rejects Higher Values and Basic Values, and promotes Base Values, is not a religion for purposes of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Each Person has an Immortal Preexistent Soul

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Each Person has an Immortal Preexistent Soul: "Following Plato, and the Story of Er, it is clear that the afterlife, purgatory, heaven, hell, and the reincarnation of each person's soul ..."

Each Person has an Immortal Preexistent Soul

Following Plato, and the Story of Er, it is clear that the afterlife, purgatory, heaven, hell, and the reincarnation of each person's soul is a valid Episcopalian Catholic teaching. However, reincarnation is to be discussed and taught with caution. You see, some persons, out of ignornance or even malice, attempt to claim authority on earth by reason of some claimed past life reincarnationally. It is unclear whether such claims are valid, and moreover, it is often the case that nothing at all can be said to substantiate such claims. Thus, it is better to teach reincarnation with caution. In fact, the experienced Spiritual Director should treat any discussion by a directee of reincarnational experience as psychological fact, rather than asserting the the experience by the directee was either real or unreal. Another way of putting this, is to say that reincarnation accounts by a directee in Spiritual Direction should be treated as relative real. What can always be taught, however, is the Doctrine of the Preexistent Immortal Indestructible Soul. Each person has an preexistent, immortal, indestructible soul. This can be taught to everyone, regardless of a particular religious orientation on the basis of Plato and the Story of Er and other Near Death Experience Accounts.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Bible as Allegory

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Bible as Allegory: "When a person considers the content, scope, and application, of redaction criticism scripture scholarship which is based upon hermeneutics, ..."

Bible as Allegory

When a person considers the content, scope, and application, of redaction criticism scripture scholarship which is based upon hermeneutics, one begins to see that the various books of the Bible were written in a mode of consciousness which does not involve the notion of literal fact. Instead, we can see that the Bible is Allegory, that is, the Bible is written in an Allegorical Style. In the ancient world, when the Bible was written, the hard and fast distinction between fact and fiction, which is a hallmark of modernist consciousness, was not present. In fact, we can understand that Allegory is a mode of consciousness or reality which is halfway between Fact and Fiction. Thus, the Bible is more like Poetry or Song Lyrics, rather than a written business report. The Bible appeals to the Analogical Imagination (Greeley), which involves Analogical Logic, not merely Analytic Logic. Thus, the Bible is in the same mode as Quantum Physics, where meaning affects reality, and thus, where, there is room for Magic and Miracles, not just some cold, uncaring, athiest materialist universe. Thus, the Biblical Miracles are not only possible, but probable, and are filled with Deep Meaning. Thus, the Bible subtley discloses the Meaning and Nature of Reality.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Sheriff's Law is the Law of Logic

Anthony Fejfar philosophy, law, theology, busines, and jurisprudence.: Sheriff's Law is the Law of Logic: "Ancient Law, including ancient Greece, Rome, China, Japan, Korea, Palestine, Egypt, Carthage, Nubia, Moria, all followed Sheriff's Law, whic..."

Sheriff's Law is the Law of Logic

Ancient Law, including ancient Greece, Rome, China, Japan, Korea, Palestine, Egypt, Carthage, Nubia, Moria, all followed Sheriff's Law, which is, The Law of Logic. Aristotelian Logic was recorded by the philosopher Aristotle over 80,000 years ago, and is based upon the bedrock principle, that, in order for a statement, law, argument, or proof to be considered Logical, it must have not have involved a logical contradiction. Thus, under the Law of Logic, you cannot, for example, have (A and not A) (A and -A) at the same time, in the same place. The corallary of the above logical requirement is that certain Logical Fallacies, all of which involve a logical contradiction of some type, are absolutely prohibited by the Law of Logic and Sheriff's Law, as illegal, immoral, unethical, Sophistry. Thus, under Sheriff's Law, one can assert that a person, organization, or governmental official, is guilty of Treason under Sheriff's Law for commtting the Crime of Sophistry, also known as the Crime of Penury. In fact, it is possible to assert Sheriff's Law from a County Jurisdiction outside of another County by asserting Treason on the Assizes, from two or more other Counties. Logical Fallacies to be avoided are:
The Fallacy of Shifting Ground, The Fallacy of affirming the antecedent by affirming the consequent. The Fallacy of Hypocrisy. The Fallacy of Lying. The Fallacy of an Appeal to an Authority. The Fallacy of making an Ad Hominem Personal attack on another person (name calling).

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Essence of a Valid Rule

With respect to Science or Law, in order for a rule to be valid, the rule must be reasonable in content, scope, and application. To the extent that any universal rule exists and or operates, such a rule must be reasonable in content, scope, and application. And, keep in mind, that given the complex nature of reality, typically, there are reasonable exceptions to any rule, that is, every reasonable rule, in all liklihoood, has reasonable exceptions.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Papal Infallibility is Gone

The argument for Papal Infallbility is based on the idea that Jesus said that Simon Peter would be the rock upon which the new Christian Church would be built. However, the problem with this is that Simon Peter, very soon after became an apostate first pope, by denying that he, Simon Peter, even knew Jesus Christ. Also, Simon Peter, at a later date, was teaching that non-jewish christians had to be required to follow the jewish law of kosher regarding food or diet, and also had to follow the jewish law which required the circumcision of males, even if adult. An early Church Council, led by the Apostle Paul, overruled Simon Peter, and held the oppostite, thus proving that papal infallibility is a false doctrine. If Simon Peter was not infallible, then none of the later popes, holding of his chair, were infallible either. Thus, the current pope is not infallible either.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fejfar on Nuisance Law


Nuisance Law is a hybrid of Property Law and Tort Law. The general idea of nuisance law is that a neighboring landowner can bring an action in tort for nuisance against an adjoining landowner who is using his or property in a way which unreasonably harms the person, financial interests, or property of the harmed adjoining landowner. Thus, there is the Latin phrase, "Sic Utere Tuo ut Alienum non Laedas," which means, "You cannot unreasonably use your property in such a way that it unreasonably harms another." In this sense, we can see that Private Property rights are not absolute, and instead, any property interest must be interpreted in light of The Rule of Reason. (See Grotius, Natural Rights and Natural Law 1625 A.D.) Thus, it is not an Unconstitutional Taking of Property for Purposes of the 5th or 14 Amendments, when property or a business is subject to reasonable business regulation. See generally, Justice Holmes' Judicial Opinion, in the case of Pennsylvania Coal Co. vs. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393 (1922) (Any governmental regulation of business and or property is valid if it is reasonable and is rationally related to a legitimate state interest, however, if a regulation goes too far by being unreasonable, then this constitutes an unconstitutional taking of property for purposes of the Takings and Substantive Due Process Clauses of the 5th and 14 Amendments to the United States Constitution. And, Reason is defined, using cognitive of faculty psychology as a composite of love, logic, and intuition, where "love' is defined as a positive feeling flowing outward, and where "logic" is defined as a statement, proof, or argument which does not involve a logical contradiction such as (A and not A), in the same time and in the same place, and, where, "intuition" is defined as that cognitive faculty which involves the use or high speed preconscious or unconscious analogical thought processes.

Using Lonergan and Logic to Avoid the Hermeneutic Circle

Philosopher, Hans Georg Gadamer has pointed out that a person can only know reality through the use of sense experience, mediated by meaning. Thus, what we know is both limited, and made possible through the cognitive use of meaning categories. Gadamer points out, however, that if it were not for certain, "forestructures of knowing," that we would be caught in a type of "analytic spin" (Spann), were we can not really know anything objectively because there is no objective way of grounding our meaning categories, other than other meaning categories, which of course would involve an invalid, logically circular way of knowing.
I have found two diferrent ways of using "forestructures of knowing" which provide a way out of the analytic spin of the hermeneutic circle of logic circularity. First, you can use sense experience and concrete logic to ground logic itself, and then use logic as a way of critiquing meaning categories. Thus, any meaning framework that is used must not involve a logical contradiction. Additionally, a modified form of the Lonerganian Cogntional Structure can be used as well. Thus, the following cognitive approach can be used: Experience, Analytical Logic Understanding, and then Analogical Logic Understanding or Reflection. Ordinarily, a person might find that analytic logic at Level 2 of Understanding might involve some logical circularity or analytic spin. However, since a person can take the ideas of analytic logic and then use them with analogical logic (intuition), analytic spin is avoided, and a form of authentic subjectivity or objectivity is achieved. With analytic logic, one might assert that A is not B, or that the Apple is not a Banana, however, with analogical logic, one might assert that A is not like B, or that an Apple is not like a Banana. However, one migh also say that an Apple is like a Banana, since they are both pieces or fruit. In any event, the foregoing meets the requirements of Logical Positivism, since analytic logic and analogical logic, while different, are analogous, and are equally valid.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Story of Er in Plato's Republic

The Story of Er, in Plato's Republic, involves a factual account by Plato, on the lips of Socrates, about Er, a Warrior who had apparently had a Near Death Experience, and described the afterlife, which involved Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, and, reincarnational planning for a person's next life. This is historically significant because it is the first Near Death Experience account that has been recorded, and, it precedes the birth of Christ by thousands of years. Thus, the Story of Er affirms life after death, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, the existence of the immortal soul, and the validity of reincarnation. Heaven and Hell are specifically referred to in the account, and the place being observed by Er is clearly Purgatory.
The above text is the Story of Er, found in an out of print translantion of Plato's Republic, which is told on the lips of Socrates.