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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sheriff's Law is the Law of Logic

Ancient Law, including ancient Greece, Rome, China, Japan, Korea, Palestine, Egypt, Carthage, Nubia, Moria, all followed Sheriff's Law, which is, The Law of Logic. Aristotelian Logic was recorded by the philosopher Aristotle over 80,000 years ago, and is based upon the bedrock principle, that, in order for a statement, law, argument, or proof to be considered Logical, it must have not have involved a logical contradiction. Thus, under the Law of Logic, you cannot, for example, have (A and not A) (A and -A) at the same time, in the same place. The corallary of the above logical requirement is that certain Logical Fallacies, all of which involve a logical contradiction of some type, are absolutely prohibited by the Law of Logic and Sheriff's Law, as illegal, immoral, unethical, Sophistry. Thus, under Sheriff's Law, one can assert that a person, organization, or governmental official, is guilty of Treason under Sheriff's Law for commtting the Crime of Sophistry, also known as the Crime of Penury. In fact, it is possible to assert Sheriff's Law from a County Jurisdiction outside of another County by asserting Treason on the Assizes, from two or more other Counties. Logical Fallacies to be avoided are:
The Fallacy of Shifting Ground, The Fallacy of affirming the antecedent by affirming the consequent. The Fallacy of Hypocrisy. The Fallacy of Lying. The Fallacy of an Appeal to an Authority. The Fallacy of making an Ad Hominem Personal attack on another person (name calling).

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

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