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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reformed Judaism

Reformed Judaism is really Hellenistic Judaism, holding of the House of Seth, which is the House of Greece, where Seth, is Seth, Son of Adam, Son of God. Reformed Jews have as their scripture the Book of Genesis, The Book of Wisdom, and the Gospel according to Saint Jude the Apostle, with Postscript. Since Hellenistic Reformed Jews hold of the House of Seth, which precedes the later Jewish Houses such as Judah, Abraham, Israel, and Moses, such Hellenstic Reformed Jews are not bound by Jewish law. Instead, Hellenistic Reformed Jews are bound the Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, which prohibits sophistry, that is using logical fallacies which involve a logical contradiction of some sort. And, Hellensitic Reformed Jews also follow Greek Cosmology, Greek Allegorical Mythology, Greek Metaphysics, Greek Philosophy, and Greek Druid Lore. Hellenistic Reformed Jews are not required to follow Kosher law, nor sabbath law, nor circumcision law, nor tithing. Thus, Reformed Hellenistic Jews are not required to visit the Temple nor attend Synagogue. They also are not required to go through bar mitzpha. Reformed Jews could also be considered Protestant, from a certain point of view. Many calls Hellenistic Reformed Jews by the name of Sarphidic Jews. Reformed Jews are also entitled to follows Aristotle's Equity, and thus make equitable interpretations of laws, and the make equitable exceptions based upon genuine need. Hellenistic Reformed Jews were the Sadducee Jews in Israel. Male Hellensitic Reformed Jews can also be Levite Priests in the Order of Malchiesidech. For Hellenstic Reformed Jews Yahweh is God the Creator, the Demiurge, also known as Saint Anthony the Archangel, an Elowhim Archangel, also known as the Divine Artisan, the Divine Craftsman, and the God Pan. Hellensitic Reformed Jews also believe in the Tao or Godhead of Being, Logos, and Substance. Jesus Christ is considered to be an Aieon, that is an Existant Person who is in the Eternal Now, and without Beginning and Without End. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar, Anthony J. Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

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