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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Logical Foundationalism

Logical Foundationalism is a halfway house between place logic and scholastic logic (Walter Ong). Logical Foundationalism utilizes ideal rules as well as rules derived from concrete logic. So, Logic starts by asserting the ideal rule that you cannot have (A) and (not A) in the same logical proof, because this results in a logical contradiction or fallacy or fraud. You see, starting with Concrete Logic, you cannot have a toy wooden letter (A) in your left hand, and no toy wooden letter (A) in your left hand, at the same time, in the same place. So, from the point of view of empiricism or sense experience, on the one hand, or from the point of view a the imagination or ideal or ideas, on the other hand, it is illogical, or fallacious, or fraud, or illegal to asset (A and not A) in the same logical proof. Thus, Logical Foundationalism starts with the following proved assumptions: It is logically valid to assert (A or not A), but, it fallacious or illegal, or illogical to assert (A and not A). Thus, the proved definition of Logic, is that Logic is defined as that which is not Illogical. And, that which is Illogical is defined as that proof, statement, assertion, argument, or action which involves a logical contradiction, such as asserting (A and not A) in the same time and in the same place. Thus, we can see that Richard Rorty's anti-foundationalist stance, and that of others, is in fact, ridiculous. Logical Foundationism gives us much more than simply the Coherence Theory of Quine and Michael Perry. Moreover, since Logical Foundationalism is cross-cultural, the culturally relativist, "Ethic of Community Culture" of Tom Shaffer is rendered absurd. As Tom would see, eventually, I am sure, since logic is trans-cultural, every culture can be critiqued for engaging in fallacious, sophistic, illogical, argument, statements, assertions, and actions. In this way, both Michael Perry and Tom Shaffer are rescued from living in nazi germany where they could easily end up in a death camp. And, of course, Sheriff's Law, the Law of Logic, is Univerally Binding International Law and Natural Law. (C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony Fejfar, Anthony Faber, and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

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