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Monday, February 14, 2011

Some Invalid Reified Concepts

A reified concept is one whose primary referent is indeterminate, vague, overbroard, or even non-exstent. Thus, the word "theosphany" is a reified concept and is thus invalid. "Theosphany" literally means liturgical music. However, neonazi's often use the word theosphany to mean a word or idea that neonazi's don't like. Since there is no logically defined referent for the word "theosphany," the word "theosphany" is declared invalid as a reified concept and should not be used, and should be banned from use The word "mentally ill" is also an invalid reified concept. There is no coherent definition of the word "mentally ill." Instead, typically the incoherent definition that "mentally ill" mean "crazy" is used. Both the word "mentally ill" and the word "crazy" are invalid, inauthentic, reified, neonazi bigoted labels which no coherent meaning. Thus, the words "mentally ill" and "crazy" are both inauthentically reified concepts which are invalid and thus should not be used, and should be banned from use.

(C)Perpetual Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

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