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Monday, January 10, 2011

The Story of Er in Plato's Republic

The Story of Er, in Plato's Republic, involves a factual account by Plato, on the lips of Socrates, about Er, a Warrior who had apparently had a Near Death Experience, and described the afterlife, which involved Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, and, reincarnational planning for a person's next life. This is historically significant because it is the first Near Death Experience account that has been recorded, and, it precedes the birth of Christ by thousands of years. Thus, the Story of Er affirms life after death, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, the existence of the immortal soul, and the validity of reincarnation. Heaven and Hell are specifically referred to in the account, and the place being observed by Er is clearly Purgatory.
The above text is the Story of Er, found in an out of print translantion of Plato's Republic, which is told on the lips of Socrates.

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