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Friday, January 21, 2011

Papal Infallibility is Gone

The argument for Papal Infallbility is based on the idea that Jesus said that Simon Peter would be the rock upon which the new Christian Church would be built. However, the problem with this is that Simon Peter, very soon after became an apostate first pope, by denying that he, Simon Peter, even knew Jesus Christ. Also, Simon Peter, at a later date, was teaching that non-jewish christians had to be required to follow the jewish law of kosher regarding food or diet, and also had to follow the jewish law which required the circumcision of males, even if adult. An early Church Council, led by the Apostle Paul, overruled Simon Peter, and held the oppostite, thus proving that papal infallibility is a false doctrine. If Simon Peter was not infallible, then none of the later popes, holding of his chair, were infallible either. Thus, the current pope is not infallible either.

(C)Copyright 2011 by Anthony J. Fejfar

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