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Monday, May 30, 2011

Philosopher Daniel Dennet is a Loser

Loser Philosopher Daniel Dennet

Daniel Dennet is a loser as a philosopher. Dennet is a knee jerk athiest at a time when there are objectively valid proofs for God's Existence in circulation. You can prove God's Existence with logic alone by simply making the reasonble assumptions, by definition, that, by definition, God is Good, if God Exists, and that The Good is Postitive. You can also prove God's Existence using Logical Positivism, starting with the sense experience of observing billiard balls hitting each other on a billard table. Also, the best theory of Evolution states that meaning is involved in the process, not just randomness. This is confirmed by the work of Henri Bergson and Rupert Sheldrake. Also, you can prove the universal validity of logic starting with a simple self experiment where you hold an Apple in your left hand, and then not. Finally, Quantum Physics proves that there is metaphysical reality beyond the mundane material universe, and that that this reality involves meaning.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber and

Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

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