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Friday, April 22, 2011

The Aremaic (Aramaic) Language of the Christian Bible

American Seer and Prophet, Edgar Cayce, circa 1935

In the Bible, at some point the Tower Babel incident took place, at which time the previous languages used were scrambled or changed in some way. I argue that Ancient Aramaic in the Christain Bible was really 20th Century American English. My position is that there is a 100,000 year Eternity Cycle of Time, such that there is an Infinity Loop where the End of Time meets the Beginning of Time, at the Middle of Time. I assert that the Middle of Time was the year 2000 CE (2000AD), and, instead of the End of World, we are experiencing Earth Changes, as predicted by Edgar Cayce in the 1930's. Cayce said that around the year 2000 AD there would be Earth Changes accomplished by a shift in the Earth's North Pole and a related shift in the Earth's Electromagnetic Field, which would affect electronics, the human brain waves, nervous system, and medicine. Cayce also said that this electromagnetic shift would first enable widespread human telepathy (mind to mind communication) and then bring about the return of the efficacy of magic. Getting back Aramaic, you can see that the word "Aramaic" is coded. The word is really spelled Aremaic, and if you rearrange the letters, the word "America" appears. Finally, NASA confirms that there has been a Polar Shift of at least 400 feet in the last 5 years.(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011 CE) by Anthony Fejfar and
Anthony Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)

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