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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Symbolic Logic is based upon Concrete Logic

Symbolic Logic is grounded in the Concrete Logic of Cogntive Psychology. Starting with a person's empirical, sense experience, it is readily apparent that a person cannot both hold an
(A)pple in his left hand and at the same time have not (A)pple in his left hand. You see, either there is an Apple in a person's left hand, or there is not, there is really no in between. In other words, we can say that either we have (A)pple or we have not (A)pple, there is really no in between. Now, using a logical inference which is allowed by Logical Positivism, we can now see that the following logical syllogism is valid: A or not A. You see, you cannot have both A and not A at the same time. A and not A at the same time constitutes an irrational, logical contradiction. Thus, we can see that the ratioinal test that logic uses to test to see if a logical argument or proof is valid, is to see whether or not the argument or proof results in a logical contradiction; if it does result in a logical contradictioni, then it is invalid, if it does not, then it is logically valid. Thus, we can see that logic is empircally valid at 100% statistical reliability, or at least 99.9999999% statistically valid. To say otherwise, would for the person to be irrational.

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