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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reification is Trashed

Reification is an idea propounded by communist, critical legal studies (cls), professors, which argues, wrongly, that such important concepts such as Liberty, Justice, Property, Natural Rights, Natural Law, and God, are "reified" ideas, and therefore are invalid. Critical Legal Studies professor, Peter Gabel, defines "reification" as the process which "treats an abstract idea as if is concrete or real." What Gabel does not tell you, however, is that "reification" itself is a false idea. You see, "reification" itself is a reified idea, and therefore invalid. Obviously, the rules of logic provide that if a concept cannot even allow for its own existence, then that concept is invalid or false. Since "reification" is proved to be an invalid, false concept, by a reification analysis, as such, then it is apparent that after such an analysis, we are left with both "reification" and "not reification", and thus a logical contradiction, which renders the concept of "reification" invalid, false, and logically contradictory, or, illogical. Since reification cannot even allow for its own existence as a concept, reification is a false concept which should never be used. The use of the term, "reification" is Sophistry and evil.

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