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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

God, Natural Law, and the Declaration of Independence

The American Declaration of Independence states that God has endowed us with certain inalienable natural rights, enforced by natural law, which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Additonally, Grotius states that natural law, based upon reason, gives each one of us the natural rights of Liberty and Property, which, cannot be abrogated, even by God himself. Liberty is the freedom or freewill that each of us has to follow the Good, in our own way. Thus, any attempt to limit or cancel our Natual Law and Constitutional Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness involves a serious violation of Natural Law which is punishable in this life by prison, and in the afterlife by being sentenced to Purgatory Prison, which, is like Azkhaban. Of course, they say that being sentenced to Hell in the afterlife is even worse. And, in response to the theologians who say that a Good God would not allow any person to spend all of Eternity in Hell, the duration of an existant's or person's stay in Hell is now a finite number, which, of course, could be a period of time such as, One hundred thousand Trillion years.

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