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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bourgeios Communism is Evil

Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto, said that ideally, the proletariat, or working class, should be in charge is society. Thus, Marx argued that ordinary people such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, brick layers, day laborers, concrete layers, teachers, and firemen should be in charge in society. Marx taught that the bourgeios upper middle class and the bourgeios wealthy, should not be in charge, because, they often were parasites who fed off the honest work of the working class. However, communism did not turn out the way Marx had predicted. Instead of the proletariat being in charge in the Russian Soviet Union, the bourgeios rich and upper middle class professionals got control of the Soviet Union. In fact, the bourgeios wealthy became the soviet presidium and the politburo, while the bourgeios upper middle class professionals became the bureaucratic apparichnick class. In fact, the bourgeios communists are so corrupt in the Soviet Union, that they will not even allow the proletariat to have labor unions. In the United States the Soviet spy network, the KGB, supports bourgeios communism. Ronald Reagan was clearly a bourgeios communist who did everything he could to destroy government programs which help the middle class and the poor, and did everything he could to favor the bourgeios capitalist wealthy and upper middle class, and, to destroy labor unions. In fact, most KGB agents in the United States, even after glastnos and peristroika in the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Republic, remain bourgeios capitalists who are the doctors, dentists, lawyers, and corrupt bureacratic adminstrators who rip off the poor and the working class, often having satanic rules which allow them to charge more in fees to poor people, and give discounts to the wealthy. Real constitutitonal democracy promotes regulated capitalism and reasonable business practices, not the destructive short term, profit maximization promoted by the bourgeios communists here in the United States. We must stop the tyranny of the bourgeios communist KGB in America.

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