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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Legal Basis for the American Revolution against England

The Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 is binding legal precedent in Pennsylvania Colony as of the year 1760 and earlier. The Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 provides that all laws, both civil and criminal, must be in accordance with reason, that is, they must be reasonable, and therefore cannot involve a logical contradiction, and must be rationally related to legitimate state interest. Moreover, the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 also provides that provides that all the Laws of Pennsylvania must be consistent with the Laws of England. Since the Law of England, as of 1681, include the individual rights guaranteed to every person by the English Bill of Rights, Magna Charta, the aforesaid individual rights are guaranteed to every person by Pennsylvania Law and the Pennsylvania Constitution, that is, that is, the Natural Individual Right that government cannot deprive any person of Life, Liberty, or Property, and cannot exile any such person, without a Jury Trial of the person's peers, under the Law of the Land, where the aforesaid Law of the Land means that such laws are required to be in accordance with reason and cannot violate Substantive Due Process. Any government actor in Pennsylvania, who, acting under the color of state law,denies the foregoing Magna Charta, Individual Rights, to any person is guilty of the Crime of Treason. Even the King of England himself if bound by Magna Charta.
When the American Founding Fathers enacted the Declaration of Independence, and later the American Constitution of 1789, they were doing so under the authority of the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, and Magna Charta, the British Constitution, also known as the English Bill of Rights. Since the actions of the British government in America as of the year 1760 were clearly in violation of the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 and Magna Charta, the alleged laws and governmental actions of England in Pennsylvania, were void and a nullity, for Treason by both the British Crown, and the government of England. Since the American Declaration of Independence, the Pennsylvania Constitution, and the American Contstitution, all hold of the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 and Magna Charta, the American Government is lawful, and valid, under International Law, as holding of the Monarchy of King Charles II, the House of Stuart, Freeman Anglican, and Episcopalian Catholic.

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