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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Logical Proof which proves that the All Powerful, Authoritarian, God, does not exist.

Some protestant Calvinists think, wrongly, that God is All Powerful, All Knowing, Authoritarian, and Arbitrary and Capricious. In fact, they say that with respect to this "God", "there is nothing that is impossible for God." Rather, it is apparent, using the following Logical Proof, that the foregoing God cannot exist on his own term, and, put another way, it is impossible for such a God to exist. Consider the following:
1. Assume for the sake of argument that the All Powerful God, for whom nothing is
impossible, exists.
2. Derive, the God for whom nothing is impossible, exists.
3. Given, the foregoing, it should not be impossible for the foregoing God to
take himself out of existence.
4. It is logically apparent, that the foregoing God does not exist because he has taken
himself out of existence, or in the alternative, it is not possible for the foregoing God to
take himself out of existence, and therefore, there is at least one thing that is impossible
for such a God, and thus, in either event, the All Powerful God, for whom nothing is
impossible does not exist.

Now, it should be noted that, first of all, the foregoing logical proof does not apply to the Catholic model of God, where God is Reason and is Reasonable. Obviously, since it is not Reasonable for God to take himself out of existence, he will not even attempt such a feat, and yet, still remains the God of Reason, or the Reasonable God. This is of course consistent with the Prologue to the Catholic Gospel of Johh, where John the Apostle and Evangelist tell us, "In the Beginning was the Logos (Reason) Jesus Christ, and the Logos (Reason) Jesus Christ was with God, and the Logos (Reason) Jesus Christ was God, and without the Logos (Reason) Jesus Christ, nothing came into being.
Additionally, since God is bound by Reason, any religous authority such as a Pope, is also required to be reasonable. Thus, to be valid, all Papal pronouncemets and church teachings must be in accordance with reason. This follows the Philospher and Theologian, Grotius, who wrote the the natural law of reason, which includes natural right of Liberty and Property, cannot be divested by anyone, not even God himself. Grotius writing was affirmed by the Pope, the Catholic King Louis of France, and the Lutheran King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.

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