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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Traitor Obama is trying to destroy Social Security

It is clear that Barak Obama is a Soviet Spy. Obama is trying to destroy America. It is now being reported that Obama is trying to cut Old Age Social Security Benefits when they are already too low. Since Obama is a sick voodoo satanist, he will probably next try to destroy Social Security Disability payments for the physically and mentally handicapped. Any argument that Obama's actions are financially motivated is absurd. The Social Security Disability Fund has plenty of money in it, and always has. With respect to the Old Age Social Security Fund, all the Federal Government has to do is transfer USAID money going to Russia, China, and African Countries and put it into the Old Age Social Security Fund. Also, it more money is needed, all Federal Government has to do is to use Off Budget, Federal Reserve Economic Development money to fund the Old Age Social Security Fund. As I have argued previously, Keynesian Economic requires that Off Budget Federal Reserve money be put into the economy every year in order to keep the M1 money supply high, so that a recession does not result from insufficient cash circulating in the economy. Instead of the Federal Reserve Economic Development money going to Bank for low interest loans to their Fat Cat friends, the money should go to ordinary people, Social Security elderly, educational grants, and small business low or no interest loans.
They say that Obama is really a moslem satanist who is doing everything he can to put America into an Economic Depression so that everyone suffers, starves to death, and commits suicide, while Obama's rich moslem sheik boyfriends party on cocaine and heroin. The Traitor Obama must be impeached and put in jail for Treason.

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