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Thursday, October 28, 2010

God is not All Powerful and Neither is the Pope

Some religous fundamentalists, have asserted, wrongly, that God is All Powerful. In fact, they even say that "there is nothing impossible for God." As Tom Shaffer, noted Notre Dame Law and Theology expert might tell us, God is bound by reason and logic. Thus, God cannot do that which is logically impossible. For example, God cannot have a grapefruit exist, and not exist, at the same time in the same place. Thus, we can confirm with Pope Innocent III and Grotius that God is bound by Reason, by His very Nature, and therefore cannot do that which is unreasonable and or illogical. Of course, the only authority that any Church Authority has is by, holding of God Himself, and therefore, every Pope and every Church Official is bound by the Rule of Reason, and anything that such a person might to which is unreasoable is a violation of Canon Law, and is invalid. This is especially true of Relgious Superiors in Catholic religious comunities, such as the Jesuits.

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